Tag Archives: 10K

Summer Ramblings

Hey peeps!! It’s me, Christine. I’m alive. I’ve returned from the land of Busy & Lazy. I hope you are all having a great summer! Mine is going well!

So in a nut shell, let me catch you up on what I’ve been up to…

1. It’s hot, so running sucks. But I’ve still been logging the miles. I’ve been running a bit slower with the heat/humidity, and I’m okay with it. I still made it to 152 miles for July, though! Woot!

2. I ran a 10K in July! And I got 4th in my age division! Yay! It was the Girls Just Wanna Run 10K here in Springfield, and I ran it just for fun.

3. I’ve taught a gazillion Jazzercise classes! And it’s been great! I’m thankful to workout in the air conditioning on the crazy hot summer days. ๐Ÿ™‚ The team-taught Fourth of July class was the best!

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4. We’ve been to STL a few times! Once for a family reunion and once for a wedding. Trips to Nick’s parents house make me happy – and not just because of the pool. HA!

0000084505-IMG_4429 0000084505-IMG_4609 0000084505-IMG_4614There’s my family! Can you spot me? We be cute. ๐Ÿ™‚

5. I decided to do the Whole30 to help with my digestive/tummy issues! I finished my 30 days on July 29th, and I’m feeling 100% better. It’s been a struggle, but somehow I can’t bring myself to go back to eating like I did before! If you aren’t familiar with the Whole30, go check out their website. It’s an amazing program, and I just purchased their book It Starts With Food. I can’t wait to read it!

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6. My sorority sister, Lindsay, is getting married! So we had a bridal shower for her last Saturday! And we are going to Vegas for the Bachelorette party on the 15th. Any tips/advice?! This will be my first Vegas experience.

0000084505-IMG_4650 0000084505-IMG_4664 0000084505-IMG_4676 0000084505-IMG_4652This cake was the first sugar that I’ve had since being done with my Whole30. The sugar high was insane, but I went back to the Whole30 diet the next day and have avoided any tummy problems!

7. I’ve been hanging with Nick and Mac a lot because I love those guys. When I’m not busy running/working/Jazzercising, you can find me at home with these two!

20140604-154806-56886896.jpg 0000084505-IMG_4396LOVE!

Anyways, that’s all I have for now. ๐Ÿ™‚ย  My summer in a nutshell. I will definitely be back to share tales of my Whole30.

Have any of you ever completed the Whole30? If so, I would love to hear about it and your life after the Whole30! For me, I’m still in the honeymoon phase. I don’t hate eating clean yet, and I feel like I can be flexible with it since I’m past the 30 days. Like at that bridal shower last weekend? I totally didn’t even feel guilty eating that cake. And it was fantastic.

Hope you are having a great Wednesday!

Weekly Rundown

Happy Friday gang! This week has just about been too much. But I see the light at the end of tunnel! It’s almost the weekend. WOOT!! So I thought since I’ve been to busy to post, I would give you a quickly rundown of my week!

This morning started bright and early with me subbing a Jazzercise class. This was the 3rd morning class I’ve subbed this week for some vacationing instructors. I’ll end my weekly teaching schedule tonight after work with my 9th class of the week. Whew! Exhausted much? Yes.

I was lucky enough to still have Wednesday off from teaching, so I was able to squeeze in my weekly ‘kinda long’ run.

This was also an extremely windy morning. Like wind gusts up to 30 mph. I was pretty beaten and torn down by the time that 7 miles was up. Regardless, I was still happy to fit it into my busy schedule!

My lovely RunKeeper app also reminded me that my marathon is a mere 15 days away!

Slightly frightening? You betcha. Especially after this week when I only had 1 normal day of running. But I should get kinda back on track this weekend. Plus with one marathon under my belt, the anxiety is definitely lower for this next one.

As for the rest of my week, it has been normal minus the extra classes I taught. Mac has been cute…

And that’s about it! Now this weekend should be equal parts exciting and lazy. Tomorrow morning is going to start bright and early for me to log some miles before I head off to the Pitter Pat 10K.

So here’s the lowdown: this race wasn’t on my training schedule. But it’s put on by the local Junior League, and Katie (owner of my Jazzercise center) is part of this organization. We were asked to do the warm up for the runners pre-race, so obviously I couldn’t pass up this opportunity to lead my fellow runners in some Jazzercise! And I felt really silly to not sign up for the race since I would already be there. Sooooo this fun 10K was added to my schedule last minute. And I’m pretty excited about it!


I need to get in 15 miles tomorrow, so I’m going to get up early, get in 9 miles, and then finish out my run during the race. Luckily it doesn’t begin until 10 am, so I won’t have to get up before 6 am! After waking up at 5 every morning this week, a 6 am wake up call sounds amazing. And yes, I know that is sad. ๐Ÿ™‚

The rest of my Saturday should be low key, followed by a typical Sunday without any major plans. I’m excited to be lazy and maybe have a real date night with Mr. Nicholas! We’ve been complete couch potatoes lately, so I think we deserve a nice dinner and movie evening.

I hope you all have had great weeks! Enjoy your weekend, and I’ll talk to you later!

Muggy 10K Morning

Happy Hump day everyone! Did you and all your coworkers watch the Geico camel commercial this morning in celebration of it being Wednesday?!

what-day-is-dtuhu0I sure hope so. It’s kinda a ritual around my office. ๐Ÿ™‚

Morning Run

I woke up at 5 AM today hoping to hear the rain had stopped. The radar was clear! Woohooo! I was so thankful for a clearing in the radar so I could get my usual Wednesday morning run in. On the training plan for today was 5+ miles. Meaning I needed to reach 5 miles but keep on going depending on how I feel and if time allows.

I made it out the door around 5:15, and it felt like I had just hit a brick wall. It was HUMID and much hotter than my morning runs have been lately. 64 degrees is not my style anymore! Luckily I dressed very lightly to help keep me cool, but I was sweating like a pig regardless due to the high humidity.

The whole run was a struggle. I wouldn’t call it my most difficult run, but it was not fun to keep pushing myself today. I think this was a mix of the temperature and my tired body from teaching two Jazzercise classes last night.

photo(113)This is the slowest pace I’ve had in a while, so I’m chalking this up to the weather I guess. Oh well, today wasn’t meant to be a crazy tempo run, so I’ll take a slower 10K before my workday starts over no run at all!

Jazzercise Evaluation

I’m still feeling a little off after my run this morning. I think my body was more fatigued than I realized before I headed out today. My 5:40 pm class last night was extra intense. I videotaped myself to send into corporate for evaluation! I have until November 15th to get a good class recorded and sent in, so I wasn’t too nervous when I set up the camera last night. I have lots of other classes that can be recorded between now and then! But once class started, I went into super instructor mode and worked really hard since the camera was on me.

About once or twice a year we get evaluated by Jazzercise, Inc. Sometimes they send out Quality Coordinators to visit our classes and do the evaluation on the spot. And other times they will just request a video. Lucky me only has to send in a video this time! I think the video from last night’s class should be more than sufficient to send in. The students and I were tired and disgustingly sweaty after the class, so that has to count for something!

Birthday Pants

Soooo, you all know my birthday is this Friday! I’ve so excited! And Nick has been stewing over what to get me for a gift. I keep telling him I’m not sure because I really don’t need or want much right now! But we finally came to the conclusion that I need some good, thermal running tights for my half-marathon in January. I found a pair on Lululemon that I fell in love with, and Nick obliged to get them for me for my birthday!

Screen Shot 2013-10-30 at 11.35.05 AMI picked out these Speed Tights, and I cannot wait to get them and try them out!

The solid black color was sold out in my size, so I opted for the black with a pink waistband. I love their running pants because of all the pockets! There’s even a nice big pocket on the side of the leg that will be perfect for storing my phone or my gloves if I start getting too warm. They should be here by Saturday or early next week, so let’s hope the temps are cool enough for me to try these babies out!

The rest of my day will be busy with work and cleaning my house! With my family coming into town for my birthday on Friday and Saturday, I have some major cleaning to do. Mostly vacuuming and putting things away, so I’m hoping I’m feeling extra productive when I get home at 5 this evening. I also need to pull out an old Halloween costume for Jazzercise tomorrow…. Should make for a fun evening!

Enjoy the rest of your day, and I’ll see you later!